Funding for Tribes in the Inflation Reduction Act

Download the Inflation Reduction Act Tribal Guidebook Tribal Nations are on the frontlines of climate change, which threatens Tribal homelands, food sources, cultural resources, and sacred ways of life. Native communities have faced chronic underinvestment for generations, and climate impacts—including drought, wildfires, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events—have exacerbated pre-existing challenges and inequities. The…

Recognizing the History and Harms of Federal Dams in the Columbia River Basin

By White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory and Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland President Biden recognizes that to confront injustice, we must be honest about history – even when doing so is difficult. In the Pacific Northwest, an open and candid conversation about the history and legacy of the federal government’s…

The America the Beautiful Freshwater Challenge

During Earth Week, the White House convened state, Tribal, and local leaders from across the country for a White House Water Summit where the Administration announced a new national goal and partnership to conserve and restore freshwater resources. The America the Beautiful Freshwater Challenge: A Partnership to Conserve and Restore America’s Rivers, Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands sets a bold, new…

Biden-Harris Administration Announces Ten-Year Partnership with Tribes & States to Restore Wild Salmon, Expand Clean Energy Production, Increase Resilience, and Provide Energy Stability in the Columbia River Basin

Historic Agreement Honors Tribal Treaty Rights, Addresses Long-Running Litigation Against the Federal Government’s Operation of Dams in the Columbia River Basin WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Biden-Harris Administration today announced a historic agreement to work in partnership with Pacific Northwest Tribes and States to restore wild salmon populations, expand Tribally sponsored clean energy production, and provide…

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces 10-Year Partnership with Tribes and States to Restore Wild Salmon, Expand Clean Energy Production, Increase Resilience, and Provide Energy Stability in the Columbia River Basin

The Biden-Harris Administration today announced a historic agreement to work in partnership with Tribes and States from the Pacific Northwest to restore wild salmon populations, expand Tribally sponsored clean energy production, and provide stability for communities that depend on the Columbia River System for agriculture, energy, recreation, and transportation. The Biden-Harris Administration has made an…

Biden-Harris Administration Launches Task Force to Advance Historic Commitment to Restore Wild Salmon, Other Native Fish in the Columbia River Basin

In new report, U.S. government acknowledges and details harms that federal dams have inflicted and continue to inflict on Tribal peoples in the Pacific Northwest WASHINGTON – The Biden-Harris Administration today announced the creation of a new interagency Columbia River Task Force and the release of a landmark report acknowledging the harms that the federal…

FACT SHEET: President Biden Signs Historic Executive Order to Usher in the Next Era of Tribal Self-Determination

New Executive Order Will Underscore Respect for Tribal Nations’ Sovereignty and Autonomy Today, as part of the White House Tribal Nations Summit, President Biden will sign a historic Executive Order on Reforming Federal Funding and Support for Tribal Nations to Better Embrace Our Trust Responsibilities and Promote the Next Era of Tribal Self Determination. This…

Memorandum on Restoring Healthy and Abundant Salmon, Steelhead, and Other Native Fish Populations in the Columbia River Basin

The Columbia River and its tributaries, wetlands, and estuaries are the lifeblood of the Pacific Northwest, providing abundant water, power, recreation, agriculture, transportation, and natural resources that have supported livelihoods, cultural and spiritual practices, commerce, and economic growth.  The salmon, steelhead, and other native fish populations in the Columbia River Basin (Basin) are essential to…

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