Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:46 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Good afternoon, everyone. Q    Good afternoon. MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Tomorrow, the President and the First Lady will travel to Lewiston, Maine.   While there, they will pay respects to the victims of the horrific shooting attack last week and grieve with the families and community members who have…

Readout of President Biden’s Call with His Holiness Pope Francis

Today, President Joseph R. Biden spoke with His Holiness Pope Francis to discuss the latest developments in Israel and Gaza.  The President condemned the barbarous attack by Hamas against Israeli civilians and affirmed the need to protect civilians in Gaza. He discussed his recent visit to Israel and his efforts to ensure delivery of food, medicine,…

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Calls on Congress to Immediately Pass the Bipartisan National Security Agreement

The Biden-Harris Administration strongly supports the bipartisan agreement announced in the Senate that would address a number of pressing national security issues. President Biden has repeatedly said he is willing to work in a bipartisan way to secure the border and fix our broken immigration system. From his first day in office, he has called…

Remarks by President Biden at a Hanukkah Holiday Reception

East Room 7:24 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Well, Rabbi, thank you.  And thank you for your blessings. You know, thank you, Doug and the staff, for lighting this special White House menorah. As Doug said, that was from a piece of material from one of the beams in the White House.  And I thought it’s…

Press Gaggle by President Biden and NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby | Ramstein Air Base, Germany

11:19 P.M. CEST THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, guys. Q    Hi, sir. Q    It’s good to see you.  THE PRESIDENT:  I wanted to bring you up to date.  I just got off the phone with — with Pre- — Q    Hold on, sir.  Hold on.  Hold on. THE PRESIDENT:  — with President Sisi of Egypt. When we took off, my goal was multifold, but…

Readout of President Joe Biden’s Call with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel

President Biden spoke earlier today with Prime Minister Netanyahu. The President reaffirmed his ironclad commitment to Israel’s security following the successful defense against Iran’s unprecedented missile and drone attack earlier this month. They also reviewed ongoing talks to secure the release of hostages together with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The President referred to his…

Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Call with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt.  They discussed ongoing efforts to alleviate the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza, in coordination with the UN, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Israel, and other regional partners, and the need to preserve stability in the Middle East more broadly.  President Biden condemned…

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