Readout of President Biden’s Call with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine today ahead of his remarks to the American people about our support for the people of Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion.  The leaders discussed Ukraine’s ongoing fight to defend its freedom and independence from Russian aggression.  President Biden underscored the continued strong…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Meeting with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris met today with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Munich, Germany to discuss Ukraine’s ongoing fight against Russian aggression.  The Vice President emphasized the Administration’s continued efforts to ensure passage of the President’s national security supplemental funding bill, and reaffirmed the strong bipartisan support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity in…

Readout of President Biden’s Meeting President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. hosted President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine at the White House today. President Biden reiterated that the United States will continue to support Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression for as long as it takes and hold Russia accountable for human rights abuses and war crimes. The presidents and their advisors discussed Ukraine’s ongoing…

Remarks by President Biden, Prime Minister Kishida of Japan, and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in a G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine | Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress CentreVilnius, Lithuania 4:24 P.M. EEST PRIME MINISTER KISHIDA:  (As interpreted.)  I am pleased to be able to announce the Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine today. At the G7 Hiroshima Summit, by engaging in discussions that included a wide range of invited countries, we agreed that unilateral attempts to change the…

Remarks by President Biden and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Joint Press Conference

Indian Treaty RoomEisenhower Executive Office Building (December 12, 2023) 5:01 P.M. EST PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Please have a seat.  President Zelenskyy, it’s an honor to welcome you back to the White House.  When President Putin launched his brutal total invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 and Russian tanks rolled over the border toward Kyiv, there were those who…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Meeting with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris met today with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine at the White House ahead of President Zelenskyy’s meeting with President Biden.  The Vice President underscored the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s security and people. The leaders discussed efforts to advance Ukraine’s economic recovery.  In this regard, they noted the importance of…

Statement from President Joe Biden on Ukraine Independence Day

Today, the people of Ukraine are once more marking their Independence Day, while suffering the all-out assault of Putin’s craven war for land and power. For eighteen months, Ukrainian families have lived under the daily threat of Russian rockets and the reality of brutal attacks. But the people of Ukraine have refused to break.   On…

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