Remarks by President Biden on the February Jobs Report

Roosevelt Room 11:09 A.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Hey, folks.  Good morning.  Sorry we’re late — a little late.  It’s all my fault. But, look, I think we’ve got a good jobs report.  I’m happy to report that our economy has created over 300,000 new jobs last month, and that’s on top of a half a…

Remarks by President Biden in Cabinet Meeting

Cabinet Room 3:16 P.M. EST THE PRESIDENT:  Happy New Year, everybody.  And look out for your own safety with one another back there.  (Laughter.) Today, we’re meeting to make sure that we deliver — continue to deliver lower inflation, more jobs, and an economy that works for everybody and — and that works from the…

Remarks by President Biden and President Obama in a Moderated Conversation with Jimmy Kimmel at a Campaign Reception | Los Angeles, CA

Peacock TheaterLos Angeles, California 7:45 P.M. PDT PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Hey.   Q    Wow, what a turnout, you guys.  You have any trouble getting over here traffic-wise?  (Laughter.)   PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Used to be a lot of traffic when I — before I was elected president.  Now I notice there’s — we get on the road, and there’s…

Remarks by Vice President Harris in a Moderated Conversation with Joseph “Fat Joe” Cartagena and Anthony Ramos During the National “Fight for Our Freedoms” College Tour

Florida International UniversityMiami, Florida(September 28, 2023) 2:57 P.M. EDT THE VICE PRESIDENT: Hey, Panthers!  (Applause.) MR. CARTAGENA:  Well, we’re just excited to be here, as everybody at FIU.  We’re going to ask us some questions and moderate, you know, to Madam Vice President.  It’s crazy.  You’ve traveled all around the country to talk to Americans…

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