G7 Leaders’ Statement

   We, the Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7), met virtually on December 6, 2023, to address global challenges and shape a course for a better future. We reaffirm our commitment made at the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, which is a city that suffered an atomic bombing and now has become a symbol of…

FACT SHEET: Deepening the United States-ASEAN People-to-People Relationship: Investing in education, cultural exchange, and the next generation of leaders

The strength of U.S.-ASEAN relations is anchored in the friendship shared by our combined one billion people. Each year the United States provides more than $70 million to support educational and cultural exchanges with the people of Southeast Asia, which foster greater understanding, enhance cooperation, and create lifelong friendships that increase the long-term strength and…

FACT SHEET: In Asia, President Biden and a Dozen Indo-Pacific Partners Launch the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity

IPEF will strengthen our ties in this critical region to define the coming decades for technological innovation and the global economy Framework will create a stronger, fairer, more resilient economy for families, workers, and businesses in the United States and in the Indo-Pacific region Today in Tokyo, Japan, President Biden launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for…

Readout of the First National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Task Force Meeting

Yesterday, 12 leading technical experts met to launch the work of the National Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Resource Task Force. With equal representation from government, academia, and private sector organizations, the Task Force is tasked with building an implementation plan to realize a National AI Research Resource that would make AI research and development (R&D)…

What They Are Reading in the States: President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda is Delivering for Americans

Across the country, national and local news outlets are spotlighting President Biden’s Investing in America tour, which kicked off this week with the President’s visit to a semiconductor manufacturing facility in Durham, North Carolina. During the visit, President Biden announced that private companies have made over $435 billion in major domestic investments since the beginning of…

Joint Statement from India and the United States

1.           Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed United States President Joseph R. Biden, Jr., to India today, reaffirming the close and enduring partnership between India and the United States.  The leaders expressed their appreciation for the substantial progress underway to implement the ground breaking achievements of Prime Minister Modi’s historic, June 2023, visit to Washington.…

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect and Preserve Our Nation’s African American History Ahead of Juneteenth National Independence Day

Since day one, President Biden and Vice President Harris have advanced racial justice and asserted that Black history is American history. We build a better future — together as a Nation — not by trying to erase America’s past, but by knowing our full history as a country. The Biden-Harris Administration is committed to recognizing…

Remarks by President Biden at Campaign Reception | San Francisco, CA

Merchants Exchange BuildingSan Francisco, California 6:54 P.M. PST THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  Please, please.  (Applause.) Kamala, thank you for that introduction and for being such a strong partner in the progress we’ve been making.  You know, to the Reilly family, thank you for welcoming us into this beautiful space.  (Applause.) And Governor Gavin Newsom and Jen, thank you for…

Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials Previewing Executive Order on Addressing U.S. Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of Concern

2:09 P.M. EDT MODERATOR:  Thanks, everyone, for joining this call to discuss the executive order to narrowly regulate certain U.S. investments into the PRC in three technologies critical national security.  For your information, this call on background, attributable to “senior administration officials,” and is embargoed until 4:00 p.m. Eastern today, Wednesday, August 9th. For your…

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