A Proclamation on National Volunteer Week, 2023

This week, we honor the selfless spirit of Americans who volunteer, and we sound the call for more Americans to seize opportunities to serve their communities.      Every day across America, volunteers are performing extraordinary acts of service.  They are repairing and rebuilding homes, educating our youth, and connecting people to jobs.  They are supporting…

A Proclamation on National Farm Safety and Health Week, 2022

     America’s farmers, farmworkers, and ranchers serve one of our most vital needs — they feed our Nation and sustain our communities.  They steward our lands so they have the power to provide for us, generation after generation.  They offer meaningful jobs to millions of people, rooted in the rewards of hard work and the…

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action to Address Veteran Homelessness

President Biden has made clear that every veteran deserves a roof over their head, and since Day One, his Administration has made lowering housing costs and addressing homelessness — particularly among veterans — a top priority. Today, the Biden-Harris administration is announcing new actions to prevent and reduce homelessness among veterans through actions that include…

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Wasteful Spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Other Special Interests, Cracks Down on Systemic Fraud, and Makes Programs More Cost Effective

The President’s FY 2025 Budget lays out President Biden’s plan to lower costs for families, invest in America and the American people, uphold the President’s commitment to protecting and strengthening Medicare and Social Security, and reduce the deficit. Alongside major reforms to the individual and corporate tax codes to ensure that the wealthy and big…

FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget Cuts Wasteful Spending on Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Other Special Interests, Cracks Down on Systemic Fraud, and Makes Programs More Cost Effective

The President’s FY 2025 Budget lays out President Biden’s plan to lower costs for families, invest in America and the American people, uphold the President’s commitment to protecting and strengthening Medicare and Social Security, and reduce the deficit. Alongside major reforms to the individual and corporate tax codes to ensure that the wealthy and big…

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