FACT SHEET: Biden Administration Makes Climate Information and Decision Tools More Accessible

Today, the Biden Administration is launching a whole-of-government initiative to deliver accessible and actionable information to individuals and communities that are being hit by flooding, drought, wildfires, extreme heat, coastal erosion, and other intensifying climate impacts. This effort will put authoritative and useful information into the hands of more Americans—from broadcast meteorologists sharing climate information…

FACT SHEET: $50B+ of U.S. Private Sector Investments into APEC Economies, as well as Private Sector Contributions to Sustainability, Inclusivity, and Resilience

Under President Biden’s leadership, the U.S. host year of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has demonstrated that the United States is uniquely positioned to drive sustainable, inclusive, dynamic growth in one of the most vibrant and economically important regions in the world. American businesses are the largest source of foreign direct investment in APEC economies. The…

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Emily Horne on National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting with EU Officials

Yesterday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Bjoern Seibert, Chief of Cabinet for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, and, today, he met with Frederic Bernard, Chief of Cabinet for European Council President Charles Michel.  In these meetings, Mr. Sullivan emphasized President Biden’s commitment to the fundamental partnership between the United States and…

Remarks by President Biden on Supporting Ukraine, Defending Democratic Values, and Taking Action to Address Global Challenges | Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius UniversityVilnius, Lithuania 7:51 P.M. EEST THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Lithuania!  (Applause.)  As my mother would say, “God love ya.”  No seats.  Holy mackerel.  (Laughter.)  It’s good to be back in Vilnius, a nation and a region that knows better than anyone the transformational power of freedom.  (Applause.)  You know, you showed the world that the…

Joint statement to Leaders from the United States’ Director of the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy and Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry

Dear President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau: Science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) are fundamental to economic growth and competitiveness in global markets, as well as the future prosperity and security of the United States of America (U.S.) and Canada. That is why we met most recently on November 3, 2021, to discuss U.S.-Canada shared priorities…

White House Office of Science & Technology Policy Releases Scientific Integrity Task Force Report

New report identifies directions for strengthening Federal policies and practices in response to the Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released the report of its Scientific Integrity Task Force.  Informed by extensive public engagement and broad-based agency-level…

Executive Order on Federal Research and Development in Support of Domestic Manufacturing and United States Jobs

     By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:      Section 1.  Policy.  The United States maintains an unparalleled innovation ecosystem with world-class universities, Federal laboratories, research centers, and technology incubators, supported in part by Federal investment.…

Remarks by President Biden at Chiefs of Mission Reception

East Room 5:17 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, hello, hello!  Please.  I look around this room and think, “What the hell happened to my administration?  Why aren’t you here permanently in Washington?”  (Laughter.)  I need help. All kidding aside, you are — I don’t know if you fully understand how much you’ve done.  Seriously, think…

FACT SHEET: President Biden Details Cancer Moonshot Progress and New Initiatives on 60th Anniversary of President Kennedy’s Moonshot Address

Sixty years ago today, President John F. Kennedy delivered his Moonshot speech at Rice University, committing to putting a man on the moon and bring him back. This afternoon at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, President Biden will discuss his bold vision for another American moonshot: ending cancer as we…

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