Readout of President Biden’s Trilateral with President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan

President Biden met today with President Yoon Suk Yeol of the Republic of Korea and Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan on the sidelines of the NATO Summit. This was a historic trilateral meeting in which the three Leaders discussed enhancing trilateral cooperation throughout the Indo-Pacific, particularly in regard to addressing the evolving threat posed…

Background Press Call by Senior Administration Officials on the Ukraine Supplemental Budget Request

Via Teleconference 9:35 A.M. EDT MR. HASAN:  Good morning, everyone.  This is Abdullah from OMB.  Thanks for joining us on this call to discuss the Ukraine supplemental budget request.  As a reminder, this call is on background, attributable to “administration officials,” and embargoed until 10:30 a.m. today. For your awareness, but not for reporting purposes,…

Remarks by President Biden and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine After Expanded Bilateral Meeting

East Room 5:30 P.M. EDT PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Mr. President, 575 days.  It’s been 575 days since Putin launched his brutal war of conquest against Ukraine. Putin thought he would break Ukraine.  He thought he could break you.  He had underestimated the consequence of taking on Ukrainian people.  From your children to your grandparents, I’ve never seen so…

Readout of President Biden’s Video Call with Transatlantic Leaders

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. held a secure video call with transatlantic leaders today. The leaders expressed their concern about Russia’s continued build-up of military forces around Ukraine and reaffirmed their support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. They expressed their desire for a diplomatic solution to the crisis, and discussed recent engagements with Russia…

Background Press Briefing on the Vice President’s Events in Munich, Germany

Munich, Germany AIDE:  (Inaudible) on background with a senior administration official, and embargoed until the end of the conversation.  And it’s just going to be [senior administration official]. Q    This conversation. AIDE:  Embargoed until the end of this conversation, on background with a senior administration official. So, [senior administration official] will give some opening thoughts…

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