Statement by President Biden on Today’s Economic News

Today, we received two pieces of economic news which underscore that our recovery is continuing to progress, but that we also have more work to do before our economy is back to normal. First, on employment, we learned that we have had six consecutive weeks of decline in new unemployment claims. The number of workers…

President Biden Announces Members of President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Thirty Distinguished Leaders Represent Most Diverse PCAST in U.S. History, Will Develop Science and Technology Recommendations to Address Nation’s Most Pressing Challenges WASHINGTON – Today, President Biden announced 30 of America’s most distinguished leaders in science and technology as members of his President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). A direct descendant of…

President Biden Announces Members of President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology

Thirty Distinguished Leaders Represent Most Diverse PCAST in U.S. History, Will Develop Science and Technology Recommendations to Address Nation’s Most Pressing Challenges WASHINGTON – Today, President Biden announced 30 of America’s most distinguished leaders in science and technology as members of his President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). A direct descendant of…

Biden Announces Members of PCAST

Thirty Distinguished Leaders Represent Most Diverse PCAST in U.S. History, Will Develop Science and Technology Recommendations to Address Nation’s Most Pressing Challenges President Biden Announces Members of President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Thirty Distinguished Leaders Represent Most Diverse PCAST in U.S. History, Will Develop Science and Technology Recommendations to Address Nation’s Most…

An Update on Fiscal Drag

By Jared Bernstein In August, CEA wrote a blog post outlining the economics behind President Biden’s statement that “if your primary concern right now is inflation, you should be even more enthusiastic about this plan,” referring to the infrastructure and Build Back Better agendas. Now that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act)…

Terence Tao, PhD

Terence Tao, PhD, is a mathematician originally from Australia. He is known as one of the great mathematicians of our time, sometimes called the “Mozart of math” for his extraordinary breadth of achievement. Research covers both pure and applied mathematics, including important contributions to compressive sensing (used in signal processing and cryptography) and number theory.…

Jonathan Levin, PhD

Jonathan Levin, PhD, is an economist and academic leader widely recognized for his research in industrial organization, technological change, health insurance, allocation of radio spectrum, and the economics of internet markets.

Inez Fung, ScD

Inez Fung, ScD, is an atmospheric scientist who came to the U.S. from Hong Kong. She is one of the world’s leading experts on climate and the carbon cycle – how carbon dioxide moves throughout the land, oceans, and the atmosphere – and how its movement both depends on and alters our planet’s climate.  Founding…

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