A Proclamation To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and For Other Purposes

     1. In Proclamation 9834 of December 21, 2018, the President determined that the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (Mauritania) was not making continual progress in meeting the requirements described in section 506A(a)(1) of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (the “Trade Act”), as added by section 111(a) of the African Growth and Opportunity…

Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Government of Israel Decision to Open Kerem Shalom for Direct Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance

Before departing Israel, I was informed by my counterpart, Israeli National Security Advisor Tzachi Hanegbi, that the Government of Israel has taken the decision to open its border crossing at Kerem Shalom for direct delivery of humanitarian assistance to Palestinian civilians in Gaza. We welcome this significant step. President Biden raised this issue in recent…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Meeting with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris met with President Isaac Herzog of Israel. The Vice President reaffirmed our ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and emphasized her determination to continue to strengthen the bonds between our countries. The leaders reiterated their commitment to the common values, including support for strong democracies and democratic institutions, that have been the…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Call with President Isaac Herzog of Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris today spoke with President Isaac Herzog of Israel and expressed her and the Second Gentleman’s condolences and prayers for the victims of the heinous Hamas terrorist attacks and all those affected.   She condemned the appalling and unprecedented attacks, which included terrorists taking children and elderly people hostage. The Vice President made clear that such terrorist acts are never justified.   The…

Remarks by President Biden and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff at a Celebration for Jewish American Heritage Month

Rose Garden 5:30 P.M. EDT THE SECOND GENTLEMAN:  I got to wait for that song to end.  (Laughter.) Good evening.  AUDIENCE:  Good evening. THE SECOND GENTLEMAN:  It is my honor to be standing here with President Biden and Vice President Harris.  (Applause.)  They have both stood strong with the Jewish community time and time again. …

Readout of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and the War Cabinet

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his War Cabinet today in Israel for a comprehensive discussion of Israel’s strategy in response to Hamas’ brutal terrorist attack. The President reiterated his steadfast support for Israel and reaffirmed U.S. determination to provide the Israeli government with what it needs to protect its citizens. The…

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