Remarks by President Biden Before Air Force One Departure | Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius International AirportVilnius, Lithuania 8:50 P.M. EEST THE PRESIDENT:  You all ready to go to Finland? Q    Are you ready? Q    How’d it go? THE PRESIDENT:  I’m ready.  Have you ever seen me not ready?  Anyway. Q    How did your meeting with Zelenskyy go?  Did you talk about long-range missiles? THE PRESIDENT:  It went very well, and I think he’d tell…

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre En Route Queens, NY

Aboard Air Force OneEn Route Queens, New York 1:17 P.M. EST MS.  JEAN-PIERRE:  All right.  Hey, guys.  All right.  Let’s do this.  Okay, good afternoon.  A couple of things before we get started.  So, I want to take a moment to quickly address the fallout of the Alabama Supreme Court decision.  When the Supreme Court…

Readout of President Biden’s Meeting with the Leaders of the Bucharest Nine Eastern Flank NATO Allies

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. met today with the Bucharest Nine (B9) group of our eastern flank NATO Allies as well as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to underscore the U.S. commitment to Transatlantic security. Ahead of the one year anniversary of Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, leaders reaffirmed their unwavering support for Ukraine and…

Remarks by President Biden, Prime Minister Kishida of Japan, and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in a G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine | Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress CentreVilnius, Lithuania 4:24 P.M. EEST PRIME MINISTER KISHIDA:  (As interpreted.)  I am pleased to be able to announce the Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine today. At the G7 Hiroshima Summit, by engaging in discussions that included a wide range of invited countries, we agreed that unilateral attempts to change the…

Readout of the Third United States – Nordic Leaders’ Summit

On 13 July 2023, the Presidents of Finland and the United States and the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden met in Helsinki for the third U.S.-Nordic Leaders’ Summit. Building on the previous meetings in the same format, the leaders reconfirmed the strong U.S.-Nordic partnership and the intensifying cooperation between their countries, focusing…

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