Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Visit of President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço of Angola

President Biden looks forward to welcoming Angolan President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço to the White House on Thursday, November 30.  The leaders will mark 30-years of diplomatic relations and discuss next steps to deepen our bilateral cooperation on trade, investment, climate and energy, and to advance President Biden’s Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment (PGI)…

FACT SHEET: Enhancing the U.S.-Pacific Islands Partnership

At the U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum Summit meeting at the White House on September 25, President Biden renewed our commitment to enhancing our partnership with the Pacific Islands, and the respective governments, to achieve our shared vision for a resilient Pacific region of peace, harmony, security, social inclusion, and prosperity, where individuals can reach their potential,…

Readout of President Joe Biden’s Call with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil

President Joe Biden spoke today with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil to continue joint efforts on priority global and regional issues to our two countries. The two leaders spoke at length about cooperation on climate and preparations for COP28, including President Biden’s commitment to request $500 million from Congress over five years to…

Remarks by Vice President Harris at U.S.-Caribbean Leaders Meeting

Atlantis Conference Center Paradise Island, Bahamas THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Prime Minister Davis.  And I congratulate you and your country on its upcoming 50th anniversary of independence.  It is my understanding, to your point, that I am the highest elected official from the United States to visit the Bahamas since you gained independence 50…

Statement from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Bilateral Meeting Between President Joe Biden and President Gabriel Boric of Chile

 On Thursday, November 2, President Joe Biden will host President Gabriel Boric of Chile for a bilateral meeting at the White House. In 2023, the United States and Chile marked 200 years of diplomatic relations, and during the meeting, President Biden will reaffirm the United States’ commitment to its partnership with Chile. The two leaders will also…

Readout of Vice President Harris’s Meeting with Prime Minister Marape of Papua New Guinea

Today, Vice President Kamala Harris met with Prime Minister James Marape of Papua New Guinea on the margins of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders’ Meeting in San Francisco, California. The Vice President underscored the U.S. commitment to the Pacific Islands region, and the Vice President praised Papua New Guinea’s role as a regional leader and member of APEC.  The Vice President thanked Prime Minister Marape for hosting the U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum…

Biden-Harris Administration Unveils First-Ever Strategy to Advance Environmental Justice for Communities That Rely on the Ocean and Marine Resources

U.S. Ocean Justice Strategy Will Integrate Principles of Equity and Environmental Justice in Federal Ocean Activities DUBAI – During the United Nations’ Conference of Parties (COP28) today, the Biden-Harris Administration unveiled the first-ever U.S. Ocean Justice Strategy to advance environmental justice for communities that rely on the ocean and Great Lakes for economic, cultural, spiritual,…

Biden-Harris Administration Unveils First-Ever Strategy to Advance Environmental Justice for Communities That Rely on the Ocean and Marine Resources

During the United Nations’ Conference of Parties (COP28) today, the Biden-Harris Administration unveiled the first-ever U.S. Ocean Justice Strategy to advance environmental justice for communities that rely on the ocean and Great Lakes for economic, cultural, spiritual, recreational, and food security purposes. For the first time, the federal government is outlining how it will integrate…

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