Statement from President Joe Biden Ahead of the Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal Assault Against Ukraine

Two years ago tomorrow, shortly before dawn, Russian missiles began exploding near the capital city of Kyiv. Russian troops marched across the border into Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s vicious onslaught against Ukraine had begun.  He believed that he could easily bend the will and break the resolve of a free people. That he could roll into…

FACT SHEET: The White House Announces New Actions to Strengthen Cooperation and Co-Production between U.S. and Ukraine’s Defense Industrial Bases

Today, on Ukrainian Armed Forces Day, the United States government hosted the first day of the U.S.-Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference at the Department of Commerce in Washington, D.C. The conference convened around 350 U.S., Ukrainian, and European industry and government representatives to focus on significantly increasing weapons production to support Ukraine’s fight for freedom…

Vice President Kamala Harris Announces Over $1.5 Billion to Bolster Ukraine’s Energy Sector, Address Humanitarian Needs, and Strengthen Civilian Security

Today, as part of the Summit for Peace in Ukraine and her sixth meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Vice President Kamala Harris is announcing that the United States will provide over $1.5 billion through USAID and the State Department to support the people of Ukraine. From USAID, this includes $500 million in new funding for energy assistance and redirecting…

Statement by NSC Spokesperson Adrienne Watson on National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Visit to Kyiv, Ukraine

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan traveled to Kyiv, Ukraine today to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Head of the Office of the President Andriy Yermak, and senior Ukrainian officials to reaffirm the United States’ unwavering commitment to Ukraine in its self-defense against Russia’s brutal invasion. Sullivan underscored the multiple lines of U.S. support to…

Statement by President Joe Biden on Support for Ukraine and Call with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine

This morning, I spoke with President Zelenskyy to discuss Russia’s brutal and ongoing war against Ukraine. I reaffirmed my commitment that the United States will stand by Ukraine as it defends its democracy and support its sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of unprovoked Russian aggression. I informed President Zelenskyy that the United States…

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan at Summit on Peace in Ukraine Closing Plenary Session | Obbürgen, Switzerland

President Amherd, President Zelenskyy, thank you for hosting this Summit. And more than that, congratulations on a tremendous success in this Summit. You have gathered 100 countries and institutions from all parts of the world, all regions, representing people from everywhere and showing that there is broad and deep support for a just peace. More…

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