Statement from President Joe Biden on Russia’s Aerial Assault on Ukraine

Overnight, Russia launched its largest aerial assault on Ukraine since this war began. This massive bombardment used drones and missiles, including missiles with hypersonic capability, to strike cities and civilian infrastructure all across Ukraine. Strikes reportedly hit a maternity hospital, a shopping mall, and residential areas—killing innocent people and injuring dozens more. It is a…

Remarks by President Biden and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of the Republic of Turkey Before Bilateral Meeting | Vilnius, Lithuania

Lithuanian Exhibition and Conference Center Vilnius, Lithuania 6:20 P.M. EEST PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Mr. President, it’s good to see you again — delighted to be with you.  And, you know, we’re at this historic summit meeting.  We’re resolving a lot of things, I hope.  And you made — you made all the more historic by the agreement you…

Remarks by President Biden on Supporting Ukraine, Defending Democratic Values, and Taking Action to Address Global Challenges | Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilnius UniversityVilnius, Lithuania 7:51 P.M. EEST THE PRESIDENT:  Hello, Lithuania!  (Applause.)  As my mother would say, “God love ya.”  No seats.  Holy mackerel.  (Laughter.)  It’s good to be back in Vilnius, a nation and a region that knows better than anyone the transformational power of freedom.  (Applause.)  You know, you showed the world that the…

Statement from National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Announcement of Türkiye’s Intention to send Finland’s NATO Accession Protocols to Parliament

The United States welcomes President Erdogan’s announcement that he will send Finland’s NATO accession protocols to the Turkish Parliament and looks forward to the prompt conclusion of that process. We encourage Türkiye to quickly ratify Sweden’s accession protocols as well. In addition, we urge Hungary to conclude its ratification process for both Finland and Sweden without…

FACT SHEET: The 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid

The June 29-30, 2022 NATO Summit in Madrid, Spain will be an historic moment for the Transatlantic Alliance. Building on the President’s first NATO Summit on June 14, 2021, and extraordinary Summits held on February 25, 2022 and March 24, 2022 in response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, this Summit in Madrid will…

Readout of President Joe Biden’s Meeting with President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania

President Joe Biden met with President Gitanas Nausėda of Lithuania in Vilnius on July 11, 2023. President Biden thanked President Nausėda for Lithuania’s hospitality in hosting the 2023 NATO Summit. He emphasized the ironclad U.S. commitment to NATO security, demonstrated through persistent, consecutive rotations of U.S. military personnel in Lithuania. The leaders discussed their ongoing commitment to Ukraine’s security…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 2:39 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Hey, hey. Q    Hi. MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Hi.  Happy Wednesday.  I got the day right.  (Laughter.)  Okay, here we go.  Good afternoon, everyone.  Yesterday, the President addressed the wave of tragic and senseless shootings we saw over the holiday weekend in communities across America, including…

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