Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Call with Akif Cağatay Kiliç, Spokesperson and Chief Advisor to the President of Türkiye

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan spoke by phone today with Akif Cağatay Kiliç, Spokesperson and Chief Advisor to the President of Türkiye.  Mr. Sullivan congratulated Mr Kilic on his appointment to this position, and expressed his readiness to work closely together to strengthen our bilateral partnership and address shared challenges. They discussed recent developments in Russia and…

Statement from President Joe Biden Ahead of the Two-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Brutal Assault Against Ukraine

Two years ago tomorrow, shortly before dawn, Russian missiles began exploding near the capital city of Kyiv. Russian troops marched across the border into Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s vicious onslaught against Ukraine had begun.  He believed that he could easily bend the will and break the resolve of a free people. That he could roll into…

Remarks by President Biden and President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Joint Press Conference

Indian Treaty RoomEisenhower Executive Office Building (December 12, 2023) 5:01 P.M. EST PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Please have a seat.  President Zelenskyy, it’s an honor to welcome you back to the White House.  When President Putin launched his brutal total invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 and Russian tanks rolled over the border toward Kyiv, there were those who…

Readout of President Biden’s Call with President Erdogan of Türkiye

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. called President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today to congratulate him on his re-election as President of Türkiye.  They expressed their shared commitment to continue working together as close partners to deepen cooperation between our countries and people. They also discussed their readiness as NATO Allies to address regional and global challenges, including strengthening transatlantic security at the…

Readout of National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan’s Meeting With Baltic and Polish National Security Advisors

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met today with his counterparts from NATO Allies Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. They exchanged views on European security, reaffirming their unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of continued Russian aggression. They welcomed the ongoing provision of security assistance to Ukraine and discussed the importance of continuing to impose costs on Russia,…

Press Gaggle by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre En Route Milwaukee, WI

Aboard Air Force OneEn Route Milwaukee, Wisconsin 3:02 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Hello.  Hi, hi.  Okay.  Got a couple of things at the top.  All right.  Good afternoon, everyone.  We’re — we’re en route to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where the President will announce $3.3 billion to reconnect and rebuild communities in more than 40 states, including…

Remarks by President Biden and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine in Joint Press Conference | Fasano, Italy

Hotel Masseria San Domenico Fasano, Italy 8:47 P.M. CEST PRESIDENT BIDEN:  Good evening, everyone.  Last year at the NATO summit in Lithuania, the United States brought together every member of the G7 to sign a Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.  Twenty-five additional countries joined us quickly.  Each agreed to forge long-term bilateral commitments to…

Remarks by President Biden at Campaign Event | San Francisco, CA

Private ResidenceSan Francisco, California 5:52 P.M. PST THE PRESIDENT:  Please.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Jerry, for the longest time after being elected, I’d hear “Hail to the Chief” played, and I’d turn around and wonder: Where the hell was he?  (Laughter.) Look, I want to thank Gordon and I want to thank George for that introduction…

Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on the Visit of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy

President Biden will welcome Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni of Italy to the White House on March 1 to reaffirm the strong relationship between the United States and Italy.  They will discuss shared approaches to address global challenges, including their commitment to continue supporting Ukraine as it confronts Russia’s aggression, preventing regional escalation in the Middle East, delivering humanitarian aid to the…

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