G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communiqué

Preamble We are taking concrete steps to: as outlined in the reference documents of this Communique. We are determined to work together and with others to: 2. We will champion international principles and shared values by: 3. We will work with our international partners to achieve a world that is human-centered, inclusive and resilient, leaving no…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, October 12, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 2:07 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI: Hi, everyone. Okay, a couple of items for all of you at the top. As the country recovers from this once-in-a-century pandemic and economic crisis, the private businesses that make up our supply chains and get goods to businesses and the American people have struggled…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, December 2, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 11:07 A.M. EST MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone.  Good morning.  Okay, so we don’t have a long time this morning because of a gather.  If people want to stay, I’m happy to answer additional questions, but we wanted to get it in before the President left for his trip to…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, September 29, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 2:41 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Okay.  Jonathan, second day in a row — nothing at the top. Q    All right.  Here we go. MS. PSAKI:  So, let’s kick it off. Q    All right.  Well, let’s start here with budget talks still obviously ongoing on Capitol Hill.  There’s a growing…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, August 25, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 3:19 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone.  Q    Hi, Jen. MS. PSAKI:  Hi.  Okay, sorry again for the brief delay.  I was — I know you were all interested in what our Secretary of State had to say. Just to note — and I know all of you have been following this quite…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, June 25, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:52 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Hi everyone. Q    Hello, Jen.  Good to see you.  MS. PSAKI:  Good to see you.  Happy Pride.  Celebrating here today. Okay.  I’m just going to give you a quick overview of the week ahead: On Monday, the President will welcome Israeli President Rivlin to the White House.  President…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, August 27, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 1:53 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Hi.  I have a couple of items for all of you at the top. On COVID-19 response, we just got today’s vaccine report, which Jeff Zients, our COVID Coordinator, touched on during his briefing this morning.  But for the rest of you who weren’t…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki, May 24, 2021

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 12:05 P.M. EDT MS. PSAKI:  Hi, everyone.  Welcome to a more full briefing room.  “Double the fun” is what I’ve been — (laughter) — saying this morning.  Good, you laughed.  Thank you.  Okay, I have a couple of items for all of you at the top.  I will say…

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