Remarks by President Biden at Community Engagement to Meet with Israelis Impacted or Involved in the Response to the October 7th Terrorist Attacks | Tel Aviv, Israel

3:57 P.M. IDT THE PRESIDENT:  Folks, there is an Irish poet named William Butler Yeats, and he wrote a line — he said: Too long a suffering makes a stone of the heart. Too long a suffering makes a stone of the heart. The thing that I found at just this real quick meeting with all of…

On-the-Record Press Call with OMB Director Shalanda Young and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on the Supplemental Request for Critical National Security Funding Needs

Via Teleconference 9:31 A.M. EDT MS. WAGENSELLER:  Hey, everyone.  Thanks for joining us for an on-the-record call to discuss critical national security needs Congress must address for the American people.  As a reminder, this call is on the record and embargoed until 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time today.   We’re joined today by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan…

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room 2:42 P.M. EDT MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Hey, good afternoon, everyone. Q    Good afternoon. MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Oh, okay.  Okay, I just have one thing at the top and then we can get going.  Do I sound okay?  Q    Yeah. MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  Yeah? Q    Yeah.  MS. JEAN-PIERRE:  All right, not a weird…

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