Cred Cafe
Detroit, Michigan

6:36 P.M. EDT

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  Aw.  Well, let me thank Tommy — that’s my T-shirt?  (Applause.)  “Detroit vs. Everybody,” I’m with that.  (Applause.)  All right.  

I want to thank everybody so very much.  Tommy (inaudible), thank you for also this incredible — I — I just love this saying: “Detroit vs. Everybody.”  Because, you know, I — I was sharing with some folks, when I got to Howard, when I went to college, coming from Oakland — and my immediate, fast friends were from Detroit.  (Laughter.)  So, before I even knew anything, I knew about that Cass Tech, I knew about — (applause).

And I just feel a kindred spirit whenever I come to Detroit.  But to have the support and the hard work of all the leaders who are here means so much.  And I just — I thank you.  I thank you. 

Look, we have 21 days until this election.  (Applause.)  We will win.  (Applause.)  We will win.  But — thank you both.  It — it’s going to be hard work, though.  It’s a tight race. 

But here’s the thing that I know about everybody that’s here: We like hard work.  Hard work is good work.  Hard work is good work.  And there is so much at stake. 

I just finished doing Charlamagne’s show.  And, you know, we talked about a lot of issues, but there’s so much about this election — and, by the way, early voting, everybody knows, it starts in four days in here Michigan, and Detroit is going to help deliver Michigan, by the way.  (Applause.)  And Michigan is going to help us win.  (Applause.)

There is so much about this election and what is in front of us with this election that really is about two different paths and two different visions.  And ours really is about the future, and the other side really is about trying to take us backward. 

And — and what I want to say about the slogan “Detroit vs. Everybody,” about the heart and soul that I know about Detroit: This is a town of people who have grit, who have determination, and who have optimism and ambition and apply to that a lot of hard work, which makes Detroit a first-class city in the United States of America now and always has.  (Applause.)

And so, I am honored to be with everybody and to work with you with what we need to do over these next days.  And, yes, it includes supporting our entrepreneurs. 

You know, I was talking to Charlamagne about it.  I think you guys had a viewing thing here, right?

     AUDIENCE:  Yes!

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  So, you know, a part of my — my feeling about it is that, look, we are a nation of people who have ambition, who have aspirations, who have dreams.  And — and we need to tap into that, knowing that not everybody necessarily has the opportunity to actually achieve their goals but not for lack of innovation and ideas and hard work and grit. 

So, a lot of my vision for what we need to do as we move forward as a new generation of leadership for America is about making sure that people have access to opportunity, which is why a big part of my plan is to build what I call an “opportunity economy,” which includes, for homeownership, giving people who are first-time homeowners a $25,000 down — down payment assistance to be able to buy their first home; which is why I know when I look at the tax code, a $5,000 deduction for startup companies, for small businesses is not enough for anybody to start up a small business in 2024, and I’m extending it to $50,000 to give people that opportunity, which is why I know in building an opportunity economy for young parents what we don’t lack for families and individuals who have a natural desire to parent their children well but not always the resources to do it. 

So, I will extend the Child Tax Credit to $6,000 — (the vice president is handed a new handheld microphone to replace a malfunctioning microphone) — and get a new mic in the process — (laughter and applause) — thank you — to be able — $6,000 Child Tax Credit, which for the first year of that child’s life helps that young family buy a car seat, a crib — things for that child that get them on the path to where we know they will succeed. 

And, you know, it’s interesting because — because when we talked on the show just now, he — we talked about the fact that — you know, I — I think about the economy in a way that is about uplifting people, but it is not to the exclusion of also knowing what strengthens America’s economy overall.

So, when I talk about extending the Child Tax Credit, giving people down payment assistance for the first-time homebuyers, helping our small businesses start up a small business and grow —

When I think about these things, it is, yes, thinking about individuals who just need the opportunity, but also it’s about growing America’s economy overall, which is why I am clear and the best economists in our country are clear that my plan, compared to Donald Trump’s, will strengthen our economy.  His will weaken it.  My plan will strengthen our economy.  He’s — his will exasperate inflation.  His will invite a recession by the middle of next year. 

So, where we stand in this election is about focusing on the future of our nation, but it’s also about building up the strength of our nation. 

And so, I’ll end with this.  This is going to be a hard race.  We are going to win.  And part of the way we are going to win is, over these next 21 days, doing the work that you all are committed to doing, which is why you have taken the time out of your busy lives to be here this afternoon.  We’re going to do the work.

     AUDIENCE:  Yes!

THE VICE PRESIDENT:  That’s about knocking on doors and calling people and emailing and reminding them of the power that the people possess to determine the future of our country. 

Ours is a campaign that is about fuel from the power of the people and about building community and building coalitions and, in the process, building up our country to maximize our strength and our potential. 

And I thank everybody here for your — for your hope, for your prayers, for your support, for your hard work.  And I look forward to seeing you out in all of these beautiful neighborhoods that are Detroit as we do the work of bringing home a victory.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  (Applause.)

                             END                6:43 P.M. EDT

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