On December 6 and 7, 2022, the White House hosted a series of meetings with more than 50 state legislative leaders from 31 states ahead of the 2023 state legislative session. The meetings were chaired by Senior Administration Officials and focused on how state legislators can advance critical policies in their upcoming legislative sessions – including lowering costs and expanding access to health care and housing; building a cleaner, more sustainable America; preventing gun violence and supporting criminal justice reform; strengthening our democracy; and pursuing freedom for all, including civil rights, reproductive rights, gender equity, and LGBTQI+ equality.

The participants also discussed the onslaught of unprecedented, backwards policies being propagated by state Republican elected officials, including attacks against women’s reproductive rights, attempts to restrict access to the polls, and attacks on LGBTQI+ Americans. The Administration looks forward to supporting state leaders in accomplishing our shared priorities in the legislative session and years ahead.


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