Earlier this year, the Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act to help bring down every day costs – including costs for energy.  Already we are seeing inflation come down, and that is a step in the right direction.  But the work is far from done.
I support Senator Manchin’s permitting reform proposal as a way to cut Americans’ energy bills, promote US energy security, and boost our ability to get energy projects built and connected to the grid.  Today, far too many projects face delays — keeping us from generating critical, cost-saving energy needed by families and businesses across America.  That’s an impediment to our economic growth, for creating new jobs, and for lessening our reliance on foreign imports. 
Senator Manchin’s legislation is an important step toward unlocking the potential of these new energy projects to cut consumer costs and spur good-paying jobs.  It is critical to improve the permitting process so we can produce and deliver energy to consumers in all parts of the country. 
The Congress promised the American people a more reliable, affordable, sustainable, “made in the USA” energy future when it passed the Inflation Reduction Act.  Congress can help keep that promise and advance our energy future by passing Senator Manchin‘s permitting reform legislation. 


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