One year ago, Wadee Alfayoumi, a six-year-old Palestinian American Muslim child, was stabbed to death at home. His mother, Hanan Shaheen, was stabbed 12 times in the same senseless attack. 

There is no place for hate in America. Our nation’s founding principles tell us that every person should have the freedom to live safe from violence, hate, and bigotry – and no American, of any background, should be made to feel unsafe in our nation. That includes Muslim and Arab Americans, who have been a vital part of the American story since our founding days. As I told Wadee’s mother, Hanan, when I spoke with her, I condemn the heinous attack against her family, and all forms of hate and bigotry against Muslim and Arab Americans.

Over the past year, we have seen a rise in Islamophobic and anti-Arab incidents in America, such as bullying, online harassment, and hate crimes. These hate-fueled attacks are unacceptable, and stand against our fundamental values. President Biden and I have made taking on hate a national priority, and we will continue to do everything in our power to combat hate in all its forms, and against any community. We must be unequivocal: in America, no one should be made to fight hate alone.

Today and every day, Doug and I hold Wadee’s memory in our thoughts. And we recommit to doing all we can to continue building a country where all people can live safe from hate, bigotry, and violence.

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