The mission of the Office of Performance and Personnel Management (PPM) is to improve the outcomes of Federal programs, organizations, and policies that ultimately lead to improved trust in government by: leading the development and implementation of the President’s Management Agenda; managing the Federal performance management framework including leading on cross-agency priorities such as infrastructure permitting and personnel vetting; developing effective policies and initiatives with the Executive Office of the President (EOP), Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and agencies to strengthen and empower the Federal workforce; strengthening how the Federal government builds and uses evidence to improve decision-making; and managing customer experience and increasing opportunity for public participation in the design and improvement of Federal service delivery. To accomplish its mission, PPM is organized into four teams, while partnering with an array of organizations within the EOP, Federal agencies, boards, and councils.

  • The Performance Team focuses on driving agency mission performance by coordinating agency strategic planning, agency priority goal-setting, and routines of data-driven reviews through overseeing implementation of the Federal Performance Framework. The team also leads on development and implementation of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), overall management strategy, as well as a cross-agency reform initiatives along with intra-OMB management coordination.
  • The Federal Workforce Branch co-leads implementation of Priority 1 of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), “Strengthening and Empowering the Federal Workforce; works across Government agencies to develop and align Federal workforce policy with Administration priorities; engages agencies on the future of work, post-pandemic work environments, and organizational health and performance; assists agencies with operational crises with a nexus to the workforce; and, advises the OMB Director and the President on issues related to Federal employee pay.  The Branch also works within the EOP and with White House and agency leadership on a limited number of reform proposals to drive mission effectiveness.
  • The Evidence Team is committed to developing, building, producing and using evidence and evaluation as a tool to improve government-wide effectiveness. Toward this end, the Team coordinates and supports evidence building and use across the Federal Government with a particular focus on program evaluation. Through support of the Evaluation Officer Council, engagement with the Federal evaluation community, and development of guidance and resources, the Evidence Team advances the goal of better integrating evidence and rigorous evaluation in budget, management, operational, and policy decisions. The Team also leads on implementation of Title I of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act, and executes a number of cross-agency evidence-building projects.
  • The Customer Experience (CX) Team leads cross-government efforts to deliver simple, seamless, and secure customer experiences for the American public. The CX Team oversees agency customer experience initiatives and management of High Impact Service Providers (HISP), as well as initiatives that reach across agencies such as the Life Experience projects, by facilitating decision-making processes and developing strategies for the integration of services and development of products involving multiple agencies.

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